Terms and conditions

Dear Visitor of the website www.balanced-communicator.com,

These Terms and Conditions refer to the access, navigation, content usage, forms’ submission or purchase from Balanced-Communicator website (www.balanced-communicator.com).

These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time and the user shall review them periodically. Accessing this website implies the user’s consent to the terms and conditions and privacy policy.  

Terminology used in this document: 

The service provider, producer and operator of this website (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”) and the user, visitor of this website and/or client (referred to as “you”, “your”,  “he/she”, “they”, “their”).  In some cases (phrase/ context based), “they” and “their” refer to third parties. 

1. Who we are 

Balanced-Communicator website (www.balanced-communicator.com) belongs to and is operated by  BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL, limited liability company registered in Romania, Trade Registry Office number:  ROONRC. J4/1218/2020, CUI no. 43079106. As Romanian legal entity, Romanian laws apply to this website.

Services are performed by BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL and, in some cases, also by Burcă Cristina Nicoleta Persoană Fizică Autorizată (authorised physical person),  Romanian Trade Registry no. ROONRC.F4/748/2018,  CUI no. 39367496. 

2.  Contact details and means

We can be contacted for service requests through the following means:  

The user is encouraged to provide accurate and complete information in order for us to process the request. If we consider a request to be incomplete or incorrect, we may ask for additional information from the user, via the e-mail address or phone number provided by them.

3. Service types

Our main CAEN code is 7021, consultancy services in communication and public relations. Additional CAEN codes are included.  We provide and display on the website www.balanced-communicator.com the following services:

  • consultancy and help with implementation on: online personal branding, communication and public relations for entrepreneurs, but not limited to,
  • training and online courses related to our services, for individuals or groups,
  • other types of online / in-person educational programs that we create with other partners.

Additional services may be included and will be updated in this document. Specific terms and conditions may apply to individual services/ online courses and the user shall review them before purchasing. 

Our services and /or content published does not harm young persons under the age of 16. 

4. Intellectual property

The name, logo, author images, content and products of the site are protected by intellectual property rights and belong to BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL and Burcă Cristina Nicoleta Persoană Fizică Autorizată. Website design and some of the images  belong to entitled third parties. Reproducing the materials displayed on the site requires our written permission or source mentioning. Your explicit request shall be sent to our email address: hello[at]balanced-communicator.com.  We appreciate your will to share part of the content with your online networks, by mentioning the source.     

5. Service operation and platforms

We provide both online and offline services, according to the terms specified in the client contract. The online courses’ materials are uploaded on (1) a private link on the YouTube channel balanced-communicator or (2) on a secured platform which requires user login access.  The current online course (Authentic Online Personal Branding) is securely operated on the platform held by the entitled business partner, Arthur Carmazzi, founder of Directive Communication Methodology.  The Platform is https://achievement.university/. Please read the privacy policy (point 2) to learn how we protect your personal data when accessing this platform.  

Additional information may be added to the current terms and conditions and the user shall read the updated version.  The usage of the service platforms implies the user’s agreement. 

6. Payment, invoicing 

  1. For the individual contracted services, the invoicing is done according to the terms agreed between the beneficiary (the client) and the service provider (BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL or Burcă Cristina Nicoleta Persoană Fizică Autorizată), through the service contract agreed and signed between the two parties. The invoicing service used is 2invoice.ro. Payment can be made by card or by bank transfer and is paid in full or agreed installments when placing the order.
  2. For the online courses purchased through the Romanian version of the website (https://balanced-communicator.com/ro/)  the prices are communicated on the individual course page and processed through the e-payment processor Netopia, and fiscal invoicing via Oblio.eu platform. 
  3. For the online courses purchased through the English version of the website (https://balanced-communicator.com) the payment is done via direct bank transfer to the service provider’s bank account. Payment can be made by card or by bank transfer and is paid in full or agreed installments when placing the order.

For services and online courses with prices expressed and/or agreed in foreign currencies (EUR), the client will pay in the respective currency or the equivalent in Romanian lei, at the exchange rate of the bank that processes the payment. 

7.  Delivery of the online products and services 

The delivery of the online products (in this case courses and online guided sessions) and services is done once the first payment has been made and the confirmation is sent to the service provider by email or messenger (by the client or the automated email for payments done via the payment processor Netopia). 

7.1. For online courses (recorded/ one to one), the service provider will give access to the first module (if recorded) in the following day or at a date commonly agreed. In case of online sessions, the service provider will contact the beneficiary (upon receipt of the first payment confirmation)  to agree on the date and time of the online session(s). 

7.2. For online services, the service provider will contact the beneficiary (upon receipt of the first payment confirmation)  to agree on the deliverables’ timeline.  


8. Suspension, withdrawal of services and return policy 

The payment term is the one specified on the invoice. If there is a delay in making the payment, without prior notification to us, this can lead to the suspension of the services offered, with client’s prior notice. The services will be reactivated after the payment has been made.

If the client wants to withdraw from certain services or online courses, the agreement will be done with prior notification and mutual agreement, according to the service / online course conditions.

As our services and/or products are digital educational services and / or products, return means withdrawal from the partnership/ program initiated with/bought by the client and access suspension to it. The service/program provider respects the Romanian legislation (G.U.O. no. 34/2014 on consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for amending and supplementing some normative acts).


9. Third party links 

BALANCED COMMUNICATOR website may, at any time, contain hyperlinks to websites, online resources of third parties or of affiliates. We have no control over the content or other features of these third party websites and cannot be held liable for their contents, functioning, terms and conditions and/or privacy policy. We encourage you to review their website features, terms and conditions and privacy policy. 

10. Data protection

According to the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (GDPR), and the provisions of Law no. 677/ 2001 for the protection of persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data, modified and completed,  we have the obligation to  administer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data you provide to us.  

BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL collects personal data explicitly and voluntarily given by the user, through the website forms and/or email address, with the purpose to provide services and products according to the current offer, send newsletters to the subscribers; through website cookies with the purpose to improve offers for website visitors; and also through collaboration agreements with clients, contracts that include the confidentiality clause, data protection and processing (GDPR).

Please read our privacy and cookie policy, to have the thorough understanding of the type of personal data we collect, the purpose and your rights with respect to data protection. 

We don’t collect data of persons under the age of 16. Users of this website who provide their information to us implicitly confirm that their age is older than 16.  If we learn that a person under 16 has submitted personal information to us, we will delete it as early as possible.

BALANCED COMMUNICATOR website may, at any time, contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties, whose data processing policies may differ from those of BALANCED COMMUNICATOR.  Please note and consult the personal data protection policies of the other websites, as we cannot assume responsibility for the information collected by these third parties.

11. Limitation of liability

BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL publishes information of a general nature with regards to its services industry, on the website, newsletter and/or social media pages associated, and strives to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct and updated. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies may occur and, in such case,  BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL will make every effort to rectify this as early as possible. BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information on this site. If you find inaccuracies in the information made available through the site, you are kindly asked to contact the site manager via our email address hello[at]balanced-communicator.com

The content of the site (including hyperlinks) can be adjusted, changed or reinforced at any time without notifications to the site visitors or users. We encourage you to periodically review these terms and conditions and our privacy policy.   

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties. BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL has no control over the content or other features of these third parties’ websites and cannot be held liable for their contents, functioning, terms and conditions and/or privacy policy. The user shall read and decide on their usage of hyperlinked websites. 

BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL gives no guarantees for the proper functioning of the website and cannot be held liable in any way for malfunctioning or temporary unavailability of the website, or for any form of damage, direct or indirect, that would result from accessing or using the website. BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL cannot be held liable either for the functioning of online course platform operated by our business partner(s). Should any malfunctioning or temporary unavailability of the online course platform intervene, you are kindly requested to inform us as soon as possible, at hello[at]balanced-communicator.com.  

At the same time, BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL cannot be held liable for the results achieved by the readers of our content, beneficiaries of our services and/or of online/ offline courses. The user and/or the beneficiary holds the full responsibility of implementation (where applicable), continuity of our guidelines and consultancy and, thus, of the results achieved.  

12. Amendments to the terms  and conditions 

Accessing, navigating, contacting and purchasing from this website (https://www.balanced-communicator.com) means for the user that he/she accepts and complies with the Terms and Conditions specified on this page.

BALANCED COMMUNICATOR SRL reserves the right to amend the content of these Terms and Conditions from time to time, without prior notification of the user. Amendments made are effective from the date of publishing. We encourage the user to periodically review our Terms and Conditions.  Your continued usage of our website represents your consent to the Terms and Conditions, as amended. 

If you have any  questions regarding our terms and conditions, please contact us at: hello[at]balanced-communicator.com.


The Terms and Conditions on this page represent the adherence contract between us and the user/ client. Should any misunderstanding occur, it will be settled on a peaceful manner. The user/ client can also avail of the EU Consumer Rights’ platform: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN or of the Romanian authority platform: https://anpc.ro/.

I very much appreciate you interest in our website, information and services, and also in your will to further share these pages with your network. 


Cristina Burcă, founder and operator of https://balanced-communicator.com